Clausing Colchester 15"


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 6, 2012
Well, it appears that I've gone to the dark side.
Purchased a machine tool which is younger than I am.
Clausing Colchester 15inch.
Super clean. I've been trying to close this deal since March.
Unloaded her this morning.

She hasn't been used for several years. But, was stored in a temperature controlled area.
Price was very appropriate. But, wish she came with a taper. Likely I'll try to make one.

My question: does anyone here have a manual or know of a link?
The real and critical need is to learn what oils/lube I need, and any other pointers or suggestions anyone might have on how I might best care and feed her.

And, or other maintenance items.

Yep, she looks kind of funny next to all the 1950s and older machines.

Thank you!!





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Congrats Daryl, clean looking machine. Sure you will like it.
Very nice, it's identical to mine. You'll love it!
Regarding lubricants, I spoke to a Mobil Rep locally to get a crossover to modern available lubes. He sent me this:
Shell Tellus VG 37 – Mobil DTE 26
Shell Tonna TX 68 – Mobil Vactra #2
(DTE26 for headstock and gearbox, Vactra #2 for apron)
The Shell oils are what the manuals I was able to find called for. In the back of my mind I'm thinking the DTE 26 may be a little light, but it's probably close enough.
There's a co in Houston (FDK 3 Company) that has helped me with some small parts and has manuals. I could send you what I have if you like.
Finally finished a pulley repair on mine recently and have put quite a few hours on it lately- great machine.
I'd be happy to answer any other questions you might have.

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This is a huge help!!
I hope to level her in plane today, and do a little spit shining.
I'm supposed to go back next week and pick up tooling.

I'll call FDK 3 Company on Monday for a Service and Ops manual.
The lube specs are very helpful. I'll track those down.
It's going to be difficult to wait until I get lube before I power up...

Do you have a taper attachment on yours? I'll ask if they have one available and what they are asking for the taper.
I may end up trying to make one. If so, I may try to lean on you for some measurements if you are game.

Are you using a collet system on yours? Any recommendations specific to the Colchester?
Pratt Burnerd? Spindle nose 5c? Royale drawbar 5c? Jacobs Rubberflex?
It may be a many several months before I drop the change on the collet system due to the $.
But, would like to begin the hunt.

I'm sure I'll have more questions. Thank you.
It's going to be very strange for me to have a machine tool wherein I don't need to make all missing, worn, or broken parts...

Glad to help a little Daryl.
No, I don't have a taper attachment on mine, but I hate to think what one might cost. Parts are not cheap (my threading dial was missing the 16 tooth gear - $250.00).
Mines got an Acu-Rite DRO, 10" 3 jaw, 12" 4 jaw (which takes every bit of lead in my butt to pick up) and a collet closer/drawtube - 5c I think. Didn't come with any collets but at the price I paid, I can't complain!

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Factory has repair and parts manual for free download.

Thanks for the tip. I've found lots of sites taking me back to the 600 group. But, nothing with manuals.
I'll keep looking.

Thank you,