Clausing 5914 Rebuild

tyler machine

After looking several years for a lathe to rebuild I was able to find this one on Craigslist a few months back.
From the best I can tell, there is no major damage to any of the way surfaces.
Also, it looks like oil was rarely used to lubricate the thing.


I decided to start with the tail stock,

Looks good! Areas that typically need attention:
Reeves drive system (bushings, belts, hydraulics, etc), if you intend to keep it.
QCGB bearings.
Back gear hub bearing.
Motor bearings.
See my article on VFD conversion for some potential ideas.
On my watch list! Thanks. That looks like it will be a really nice machine.
I'll be following along, I've had the same lathe for about 25 years now. It's never given me in trouble, but I'm sure one of these days I'll have to dig into it.
Dang! The 6 jaw chuck made me jealous. Even before seeing the collet closer. If it has a steady rest, box it and send it to me since you got more than you deserved. Very nice, congratulations. Tailstock looking good.
Hah that was my first thought looking at the photos.

Shame to see that much rust. Hope you got a good deal on this lathe. Look like a little work and you would have a great machine. Keep us posted...

Bob G.
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Nice machine! Machpete helped me a ton. As did the rest of the HM members. I'm following eagerly to see this unfold.
Yep, that’s a great looking lathe with a super nice 6-jaw chuck. Great find.
Well, here goes the carriage.
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I threw all the smaller stuff in the ultrasonic

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On the cross slide swivel, It looks like the casting had some non clean-up in the t-slot area.
I'm going to try and re-machine it to clean up the ragged bits.

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I decided to replace the ball oilers with a different type
Like this

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Here's the first couple

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Here's all the smaller stuff cleaned up

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More to come.
Thanks for following.
It is really great to see the evolution of the Clausing Lathe from the 100 up to 5914 series. Great to see the refinement in the 20 years of this lathe design. You are doing a great job. Are you planning to paint the lathe? The ultrasonic looks like another handy thing to have.