Clausing 1500 Metric Thread Attachment Part #7360


Dec 28, 2022
Does Anyone know or have knowledge of the Metric Thread Attachment Part #7360 ? I would like to buy one if I can find it.


  • Clausing 7360 Metric Thread Attachment.pdf
    412.7 KB · Views: 19
Looks like it would be quite expensive if available. I don't know what the Clausing end gear train looks like, but on most lathes, it only takes a pair of transposing gears and perhaps a half dozen change gears to cut most metric pitches, I did this to my 19" Regal Leblond lathe.
Looks like it would be quite expensive if available. I don't know what the Clausing end gear train looks like, but on most lathes, it only takes a pair of transposing gears and perhaps a half dozen change gears to cut most metric pitches, I did this to my 19" Regal Leblond lathe.
Thanks, yes it will be unless the part is sitting somewhere collecting dust, you never know. Clausing does not have the part. I could make all of it but I have too much going on for that.