Choosing a motor for VFD speed control

For a novice VFD user, without any engineering experience I recommend that thye set the limits on the VFD to 10-120 Hz, not matter what motor they have. This gives them forgiveness for things limke not knowing what kind of motor they have, condition of bearings, and other nicities. Once tehy have hours under their belt, then they can branch out to widening the range.

For a typical mill with a 4 pole motor, this limits the top end to around 3000 rpm. On my big mill, the spindle bearings heat up fast at these speeds. On my tow smaller mills they begin to complain around 3300 RPM. I get squeamish thinking of running a Bridgeport style head at any speeds higher than this. I do it from time to time, but I have a lot of hours under my belt, and know what to look for.

There is lots of stuff you *can* do, but at least some stuff you *shouldn't*...