Chatter & the Tormach

Hi Eric,

Some input from a fellow Tormacheer. For Speed and Feeds I have been using GWizard. It is definitely not as economical as the Excel sheet you guys have been talking about, but there is a LOT of stuff in there!

Bob Warfield, its creator, also has a lot of information on his website (CNC Cook Book) and that has helped quite considerably. Since I only use the machine every now and then, I have forgotten every single thing I ever learnt, but I do recall the information is quite valuable.

Now, this SW is a subscription based package (which really drives me nuts because I like buying the SW, not renting it!), but for Tormach owners, they have a lifetime version you can purchase at an economical price. And BTW, they throw specials every not and then and it is even more economical. Right now it is priced at $79, but I have seen it as low as $59. That may have been a one time deal, though.

I am not certain if you have already contacted Tormach, but if you give them your information (e.g. machine serial number), they will add you to the list and you will become a Tormach Owner which is how you can take advantage of some of their deals. If that interests you, of course.