Brazed Carbide Fail

640x480 looked good to me, the full size pics loaded quick , any larger pics in thumbnail image take forever to load full size.
Thanks for the full size pics.
All my grade 8 bolts part like butter with HSS parting tools

Grade 8 is not especially hard, something like Rockwell 35 or there abouts. Less than pre-hard and about the same as 1144 which machines nicely with HSS. Nothing compared to a cobalt (>60 Rockwell) tool. Just slow the lathe down, the tool will hold up fine.
All depends on the machine. Some handle parting better then others. My mini lathe the only thing I use to part on it is a hacksaw.
I have been ebaying good tooling, takes time but it can pay off by allowing me to get some else's surplus. Tim
Shars sent a replacement but it is no better, possibly worse the the first one...carbide is cracked on both ends.
The other end
I'd insist on a refund. That is pretty crappy they can't even check for your complaint before sending new ones.
time for your money back and a P1 or P1N HSS blade
that's the one I have, works a treat

I have asked Shars to replace it with a cobalt (M-42) HSS blade or a refund.

I have a P1 blade I use on my 7x10. It works fine for smaller parts (up to 0.5 in or so) but I broke one when it grabbed
trying to part a 1 in dia part there. I am looking for something a little heavier for parts up to 2-2.5 in on my 12x36.

.........and boy did they send that to the wrong guy (one with a good with a microscope!)

No microscope required, both cracks are visible to the naked eye with good lighting. The USB microscope does make it
easy to get photographs for documentation.

I have no illusions about the quality of cheap imported tools but I do expect them to be at least minimally functional.
Shars did not hesitate to send a replacement. Perhaps if they get enough complaints/returns they'll push back on their
supplier and demand better QC.
UGGGGHHHHH..... That's a shame. I wish you could buy good quality tooling that's USA made without selling your youngest daughter. I'm in the same boat. I buy a lot of China stuff and rarely am I happy with it. It always" needs" something. Good luck, I'm going to try and not get started because I can ramble about this subject for hours.