Better portable bandsaw blades


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Oct 16, 2019
Having done some cutting with my new portable bandsaw I'm on the hunt for better blades than the Morse brand blades I bought on sale.
After only a few cuts the 14/18 tooth version it has lost all its teeth in a spot about three inches long. The result is a jerky, pulsing cut at the toothless section passes through the cut.
The Morse blades were only $20 for three so maybe I was expecting too much.
Definitely looking for something that lasts more than a few cuts.
Having done some cutting with my new portable bandsaw I'm on the hunt for better blades than the Morse brand blades I bought on sale.
After only a few cuts the 14/18 tooth version it has lost all its teeth in a spot about three inches long. The result is a jerky, pulsing cut at the toothless section passes through the cut.
The Morse blades were only $20 for three so maybe I was expecting too much.
Definitely looking for something that lasts more than a few cuts.
I have been using Starrett Brand blades in my Milwaukee portable bandsaw for many years.
They last a long time cutting mild stainless and 1018, and Aluminum.
I have been using Starrett Brand blades in my Milwaukee portable bandsaw for many years.
They last a long time cutting mild stainless and 1018, and Aluminum.

Thanks, they might be my next choice if my local supplier ever gets stock.
Don't blame blades for tooth stripping when you cut materials that are too thin for the blade pitch.

14/18 tooth blade on 1/4” or 3/8” material should be fine though right?
also, there is a break in procedure for band saw blades. The blades are too sharp when you get them. They need some mild steel on a soft push to break them in. At least 3 teeth in the material...

I had a brand new milwaukee band saw break at the weld in 2 minutes.. Boy was I p.o. d..
Seems that I remember that at least 3 teeth should engage the cut part at all times.
So a 14 pitch blade should be fine in 1/4” material using the three tooth rule.
I am using these Lenox blades on my DIY "SWAG" set up and they work quite well on the mild steel and aluminum that I most often cut, FWIW.
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