Best find of the month, year decade....


Sep 29, 2017
Hi guys.

Today I could not believe my luck. I only read about the great tool finds on this site for next to peanuts. Well today lady luck looked in my direction. Pics will follow please keep reading.

One of my new customers came by today to discuss a job I have to do for him. During the conversation he mentioned that he just came from the scrap yard and saw something he thought I could use and put it aside and asked the owner if they would keep it for him.

So asked what it was and if he could described it for me. So he pointed to the dividing head on my mill and said it looked like that. I have a Vertex BS-0. I got excited about it and he said but lets go and look now.

When we got there,I could not believe what I was seeing and could not believe that any self respecting engineer could just throw this away. It was a double whammy. A complete BS-2 Universal dividing head with a bit of surface rist and one or two knocks and a broken off locking lever and it short a dividing plate, AAAND a basically brand new rotary table. I could not believe my luck.

If I were to buy this now, it would cost me R28 000, that is about $1 900 US dollars. I picked it up for R400, that is a steel for about $27 US dollars. And to think just over a year ago I was looking and contemplating on what to buy,a rotar table or dividing head and now I have 3 different types divices.

I am going to strip and clean the dividing head,but I am not going to touch the rotary table,cause that thing is spotless. The owner actually informed another engineers friend to come and look at it,but he never came so he told me if I want it I can take it.

Thanks for reading guys.
It would be missing two dividing plates, the come in sets of three.
That is the find of the year. You are entitled to the bragging rights there of.
You really suck!
awesome! I still think my free WT drill press and 10t hydraulic press rank pretty highly though :) Last years 6x26 mill and HF horizontal bandsaw for $1000 was also a lucky deal.
Lady Luck, daddy luck, uncle joe luck, just plain luck.
Who the hell would get rid of that stuff?
Congrats you dog.
You better go to church and repent after stealing that tooling... ;)