Been wanting one of these!

I have that mold bought on ebay, made a dozen hammers for me and my kids and sold one on ebay to pay for the tool. There is a learning curve though


......but you forgot to include the link where we can order one from you! ;)

I find that a tin tomato paste can makes a good, albeit sacrificial, mold for a 2-pound hammer. But yours is SO much cooler.
The tomato paste can is a good idea though and I'm sure it'd get the job done
Saw a vid on making you own mold using Aluminum and have thought about trying it at some point. But like the cast mold better.
I know how well lead hammers work in the machine shop, but is it really worth it in exchange for leaving lead residue all over the shop? Lead oxide is a fine powder, great for inhalation or sticking to hands and fingers, transferring from hand to door knob to light switch, where your kids can pick it up and expose themselves to it...

We don't use Lead, asbestos, PCBs, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, or ethylene oxide anymore, even they are the very BEST chemicals for doing their job in existence. If they're the best performers, then why are they banned? Because they are highly freaking toxic, that's why. Either too toxic or too hard to control to be managed safely in the workplace. Lead, with all its uses, has largely been replaced with safer substitutes. Leaded solder isn't so bad because my soldering iron falls at least 300C short of vaporizing lead, but my work surface is hotter than a meteorite and my family keeps coming up hot for lead on blood tests... see, not worth it.

Nice museum piece, curious curiosity, conversation piece, whatever. But tool? I'll pass. Lead has 82 electrons, that's spooky. Nothing else that heavy enters the blood stream. It doesn't belong there.
Saw a vid on making you own mold using Aluminum and have thought about trying it at some point. But like the cast mold better.
I wonder if watched the same video. The one I saw was Mr.Pete aka tubalcain on YouTube. He did an amazing job as usual but it was very time consuming. I do have the ability to cast non-ferrous parts and wouldn't have been as long of a process because I could have used my 3d printer to help. Maybe some day...