Atlas Talilstock Gib


My friend just got an Atlas 10" lathe model TH42 and it is missing the tailstock gib. My Craftsman 12" is a 1936 and doesn't have a gib there at all its just machined to match the lathe. I want to just make him one, can someone let me know what the dimentions for them are. Thanks!
You can try contacting Clausing. If it's an item they no longer stock they can often supply you with the drawings for the part so you can make your own.
The part number is 10D-59. Unfortunately, we do not have this drawing. You can call Clausing at 800-323-0972 and ask for old Atlas parts. The drill is that you first ask them whether or not they still have 10D-59. If they do, ask for the price. And then either buy it or don't. But if they still have any in stock, they won't send you the drawing. If they don't have any, then ask them to send you the drawing, either TIF or PDF. If you do get the drawing, please forward a copy to I will clean it up and add it to the others that we have in Downloads.