Atlas 10F motor wiring and counter shaft mounting help

OK. Is that the actual schematic of your motor or not?

no its not ..its a diagram of a drum switch I bought that comes with it
OK. Then if your motor is AC and only has two wires coming out, it is not reversible (at least not without modifying the motor).

Robert D.
This may be a little out of the 'ball park'; but do you have three phase power to your workshop, electric motors on three phase power ( your Q & A only refer to single phase) are so much easier to wire for reverse and control; both for /rev power and with a lot more torque.
I run my Atlas TH54 with a 3 phase 1/2 hp motor with a variable speed controller, which also saves changing belt speed settings
Actually, any single phase AC motor that can be taken apart can be wired to run either way. But you do have to know what you are doing. Or at least know how to follow instructions.

Robert D.

Also not all single phase motor's are reversible
Is it possible to reverse the wires to get reverse ..I will have to wait until I get my drum switch before I can do anything in reverse..
No. It will still run in the same direction. Internally, the start and run windings are already connected, and only two wires run out. To reverse a capacitor start (or split phase) motor you have to reverse either the start or the run winding, but not both. To do that, you have to gain access to all four wires and run them out of the motor.

Robert D.