Anyone want to practice their scraping skills?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 26, 2015
I am not a scraper, so I was just checking to see if anyone here would be interested in scraping the ways of my HBM? In a perfect world I would have them ground, but yeah that is not happening.hbm scraper2.jpg
HBM scraper.jpg
I wonder what the shipping costs would be.
That would be a job for a machinery hauler, and unless that machine is to make its owner big bucks, it is hardly worth the money to do anything to it, other than a good cleanup and use it as is, I had a similar size HBM in my shop that had worse looking ways on the table and saddle and awful gears for the spindle drive, I bought blueprints and made new gear blanks, had the teeth cut and heat treated and left the rest of the machine as is, used it to make part of my living; it did its job well enough ---
Yeah I will most likely just fix the issues I can and put it back together. I just figured I would throw the offer out there. Way too much work to send it off to be ground.
If there are rough spots, I'd just stone them down a bit, the way surfaces don't really look so bad to my eye.
The sweet spot where most of the work has been done over the years is about 6 thousands low.
I worked on an old Lucas #42 HBM as an apprentice that was sloppy worn nearly everywhere, but it still could do acceptable work on most things, I was glad to graduate to the 350T G&L HBMs, they had hard ways, so nothing much to wear that affected accuracy.
The sweet spot where most of the work has been done over the years is about 6 thousands low.
I saw a guy scraping a boring mill bed manually, not power scraping, he said that he would being going down something like .016, he was taking off chips with his scraper, not dust, he was wearing grey pants and shirt with creases and a derby hat without a smudge anywhere, this being about half way through the day, oh, also sleeve garters! This man was a real professional.