Anyone know what the go is with USPS not shipping outside US?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 5, 2020
Anyone know what the go is with USPS not shipping outside US?
Tried to order some Dental burrs from a supplier over there and they refunded me as they can't ship outside USA at the moment??
Anyone know what the go is with USPS not shipping outside US?
Tried to order some Dental burrs from a supplier over there and they refunded me as they can't ship outside USA at the moment??
I ship all over the world and can ship everyplace except Australia and NZ. As far as I know it’s your gov’s not letting us ship there because over a month ago I was told no shipping only to Australia and NZ.
Don't know the exact reason but it has something to do with means of transportation issues, so they say. It's not Australia, it's USPS that has suspended shipments to Australia but only for First Class shipments, since September. USPS Priority & Express shipments are still being delivered to Australia but those services aren't cheap anymore.
I doubt that question can be answered without getting political, which is taboo here. Thankfully.

I’ll have check again, but I don’t ship First Class, only priority and my last shipment to Australia before the notice still hadn’t got there, held up in customs. My impression was none of the offered services, USPS, UPS, GLOBAL Post, would deliver there.
I shipped a priority box to Australia September 7. My buddy got it October 7. Cost me 90 bucks. Crazy.
There has been many changes in my little world of shipping. Somewhere I caught the snippet that there were high level meetings on how to tax those using tax havens and I thought, finally. But where it impacted me was all the sudden there's these decrees. In the UK because of Brexit I would now need a license and be working through a broker collecting taxes that used to be collected by customs. They also changed the level at which tax would now start. So I was to keep a ledger, fill out forms and "remit to the crown"(their words, not mine) every 3mo. So since I'm a one man operation and have no secretary or budget for such things I no longer ship to the UK. None of my customers are surprised.

Then the EU adopted much the same rules and not until deep into the legalise did it say the US was exempt, but it's not fair to my customers because they would be subject to delays and added taxes. So I should do the license and broker thing. Luckily my dealers are tax exempt so things are the same. But the rules changed after I'd sent an order to Paris France and Portugal in August. Neither was delivered and as yet not returned. Somewhere in limbo in customs or whatever.
Don't know the exact reason but it has something to do with means of transportation issues, so they say. It's not Australia, it's USPS that has suspended shipments to Australia but only for First Class shipments, since September. USPS Priority & Express shipments are still being delivered to Australia but those services aren't cheap anymore.
USPS cites Covid as the problem as they hand off to the local PO. Seems UPS and FedEx are ok. I stand corrected. There is so much going on my simple brain gets overwhelmed.
Sorry to hear about shipping to Australia. I routinely ship transmission parts there.

I've had a number of problems with shipments being lost from USPS. One of them a $400 housing that tracking shows (and still shows) it at the guys local post office and then just disappeared off the face of the planet. As far as shipments inside the US I've not had any problems.

I have another sale to Australia in the works. I hope they will let me send it. I've also got one coming up for United Arab Emirates. Can't wait to see what they say on that one. Apparently there are car guys over there also.
I've had a number of problems with shipments being lost from USPS. One of them a $400 housing that tracking shows (and still shows) it at the guys local post office and then just disappeared off the face of the planet.
I just had the same issue. Tracking showed left my local post office and vanished. Just got delivered 6 weeks later. Tracking still shows nothing. Again I shipped in a priority flat rate box. Need to see if I can get my money back on that one. So much for 2-3 day guaranteed delivery.
I have another sale to Australia in the works. I hope they will let me send it. I've also got one coming up for United Arab Emirates. Can't wait to see what they say on that one. Apparently there are car guys over there also.

Well sure, that's where all the oil, gas and therefore money is!