Another puzzle-what's it for

According to this, you're both right.
No way! This is a garden harrow. I had and used one for thirty years before it rusted away and fell apart. I wish I could find another one. You use this to level and till a freshly rototilled garden bed. Those tines carve up the bigger clods while pulling, and pushing levels out the grade and mixes in the fertilizer. Yes, I have garden rake, and that is what I'm forced to use now, but no way does it work as good as one of these garden harrows.

Dethaching a lawn? Good grief. I can't imagine that working...

Similar but not the same tool

Well I think we can all agree it doesn't belong in any self respecting machine shop. Banish it to the garden shed!
I have one like the original post. Bought it for one thing. Raking up pine straw on the lawn. Works fantastic. Pull it with one hand. Push back and it unloads.
Great! I'm glad to have learned something anyway.
The main claim to fame of a dethatching rake is that you don't have to lift it. The shape of the blades grabs the dead thatch as you pull it towards you and releases it as you push it away. Just slide it back and forth and it works without ever losing contact with the ground.