Alabaster Vase

Wonderful project. How did the carbide do with the cutting. What feed rate and speed did you use and how much depth? This would be cool for the CNC router to do.


I have only distant dreams of CNC. Someday maybe I will home brew a small mill.
I didnt record any feed rates or cut depths. I just waded into it and felt my way around. I am thinking 20 thou as a heavy cut. I say that because of the crystals you may come across (talked about earlier in this post) If your in a really heavy cut your gonna grab one and bammo,,,project over. The outer shape I just did freehand so to speak,, got it close and started in with sand paper. As I recall the Carbide was no worse for wear when I was done. The stuff cuts easier than it looks like it would. Comparable to wood I would say. I am sure you could saw it of file it or route it. I used HSS on the boring bar, no problems. You want to collect some of the dust right away and save it. If you get a tearout or other damage you can fill it with powder and drip in CA glue for a repair.
Thanks, That is a good tip to keep some of the dust. Would have never thought of that.
