90 Working Days LeftTo Retire :)


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
Time is flying by but it still seems a long way away.
My mind isn't on my work, I am not comfortable with that.
Did you guys go through this?
I just seem scattered and I can't seem to focus on any one thing for very long.
I'm a creature of habit, I love my routines. December 31st is my last work day.
My wife wants me to work through January as my 65th birthday is February 6th.
Nah, I'm so done.
I was there. I liked the work and the people, but the last 3 months was just a count down. I don't really think my work suffered but admittedly I was just a warm body by that point.

They bring me back to work quite often so I must have continued to do a good job even if my mind was on other things at the end.
Be done. Be SO done! Your time to work is over now it's time to play! It's hard for me to put a date on my retirement because I've had a few businesses (that I LOVED) since I left my job but I more or less retired in 1995 and I've been 100% retired since 2007. I've loved every minute of it!
I just seem scattered and I can't seem to focus on any one thing for very long.
For me, that's normal life, and I've got two decades before I'm eligible for SS (if it exists at all by then). You must feel like a kid the day before Christmas, knowing all those presents are waiting under the tree...
I don't even remember the details of exactly when I stepped down from working, also in the automotive world (actually big trucks and construction equipment.) It was well before my 65th birthday, but I had prepared monetarily and mentally for decades and was well prepared with both mindset and savings. One day I just gave them 2 weeks notice, and moved on to having time for fun and relaxation in retirement. I have not looked back...
I had prepared monetarily and mentally for decades
I can vouch for Bob. He is thrifty. In fact, he still has the same dollar he made back in 1969 :)
Just having a little fun Bob.
Good to have you back!!
This reminds me of a story my brother told me about a family friend who was a court justice. He’d spent a lot of years in the courts, was still really enjoying his job, but getting up in years and considering stepping down. One day he walked into his boss’s office and said …So I’m thinking about retiring. His boss took one look at him and said, “You just did”.
Being self-employed, and having a bit of a struggle after 2008-2009, I deferred mine. I went on working in the rat race until way past "the official"retirement date. I so regret that! I should have thrown in the towel long ago. Although now "retired", even now, I still do some occasional consultancy.

It's true that my pension benefit is larger than it would have been had I retired at 65, but here is where one should know that one can end up with more money than time, even if we have not very much of either!

You will feel a bit like wondering what to do, and almost guilty for a few days, but that will pass. What comes next is up to you. Remember that you do still count. You are never irrelevant, even if you have decided to let the rest of the world continue to make a mess! I have found that most stuff around me I have gotten into as interests, and most possessions are way less important than the people. Family, friends, strangers who may become friends, whatever..

Go for it! Discover that place where you can treat every day as if it's a bit of weekend, or vacation. Stop being a slave to deadlines, and unreasonable expectations.
I'm retiring near the end of this year, so am in a similar position. I keep thinking to myself, "Am I really going to do this?" Best analogy I can give is that it's very similar to skydiving, where you're standing in the doorway contemplating what you're about to do, about how your future is in the hands of a stranger, be it the guy who packed your chute, or what investments your financial planner think are wise, and then the jump master yells, "now", and out you go, trusting that it'll turn out fine.

I'm already planning how to keep myself busy, with a home remodel first on the list. I plan to do as much as I can myself, both to save money, and to keep myself occupied. Nothing major, but replacing/updating all the old stuff. After that, it'll be time spent in the garage :)
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