6 Inch, Buck 3 Jaw Scrolling Adjustable Chuck Questions

Richard White (richardsrelics)

Dec 3, 2015

Got a hold of a very nice condition, older 6 inch Buck 3 Jaw scrolling lathe chuck. It does not have a backing plate.
I have a Logan Model 820 with 1 1/2 -8 tpi spindle. This chuck is adjustable to true it up, very nice feature to have.
Has anyone attempted to make a backing plate for something like this?
I found one but for $200+ I would think 30+ years machining I can probably make it on my own, just checking to see if anyone else has attempted this.


Shar's sells backing plates for their zero set lathe chucks, and includes one for your spindle specs in a 6". They also sell extra thick backing plates without the machined registration that can be machined down for set tru type chucks. Would be a starting point. Tools4cheap also had a wide selection, but the are going out of business :fatigue:. There are a few other vendors that sell a wide range of backing plates, but you save a lot by buying a generic one and finishing it yourself.

Fully Machined Zero Set tThreaded Back Plates.jpg
mksj - that's what I did. Worked out great. I endorse your recommendation.

Hi Richard, a good topic you raise - see numerous recent posts on chuck back plates (by myself and others). There has sort of been a run on chuck back plate questions (which is great, it means folks are getting into their work shops).

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