5c Spin Indexer Question


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 20, 2014
I watched Tom Lipton's videos "Spindexer indexers". At the beginning he says he is using a "typical Chinese indexer" that costs about 50-60 bucks. He even says they are probably all made in the same factory in China. Now I doubt he really knows that for sure, But here is my question. Enco sells two 5C spin indexers, one is an Interstate brand for $55.25, and the other is a Phase II brand for $115.72. If anyone has the Phase II, I would love to here if you think it is worth the extra cost. Also please, anyone having thoughts about these two, and what could justify the difference please respond. I don't have a problem spending the extra, but not if they are the same. PLEASE respond soon so I can get the cyber Monday discount. Thanks, JR49
I don't know about them all being made in the same factory. I think it is more likely that castings come from one or more places, and all the smaller parts as well. They are also likely machined in various places, especially the smaller parts. Think cottage industry. They are then finished, painted, inspected, and labeled by the people who put their name or likely various names on them. I have found very nice Chinese stuff from the cheapest, no name "makers" as well as some quite poor stuff from the "brand name" stuff like Shars, Phase II, Fowler, etc. There seems to be inconsistent quality control and working to a price point to make a profit cutting into the chances of reliably and consistently turning out quality products. One buyer might get a near perfect set of collets, beautiful, while the next buyer of the same set might find gross errors and unfinished tools. Certainly the Chinese are capable of producing quality stuff, and have some factories with the latest and best quality machines and equipment, sourced world wide. The main problem seems to be greed by all concerned and trying to meet unreasonable price points demanded by their customers. I would love to tell you to buy so-and-so brand and you will be happy, but in my limited experience that is simply not true. My answer has been to get the cheapest I can find from a reputable SELLER, and then hold them accountable by sending back anything that does not meet my standards. I do not have a problem with making adjustments, and other easy fixes to the tools, because those shortcuts are much of why the tools are cheap. If it is machined poorly or inaccurately, then it goes back. If enough of us did that, the extra hassle the seller had to deal with would force them to demand better quality, and yes, that would cost more. The only real savings on third world tools is in their ability to get very cheap labor. They still need to build and inspect their products so they are consistently decently made. And the landscape is changing, little by little, and mostly for the better. For the time being I consider all Chinese tools as "projects or returns." But for a reality check also check the price of a Suburban Tool spin indexer...
"unreasonable price points demanded by their customers"(read customer, importer, stockholder)(end user)
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Thanks for the responses so far, just realized I forgot to include the screenshot of Enco's page. How bout a vote, who would buy the Interstate , and who votes for the Phase II ? Thanks again, JR495C spin indexers at Enco.PNG
I have the Phase II Spin Indexer. Overall, it seems to be well made.

I originally bought it to measure runout on a product we made. The tapered surface of the 5C socket showed about .0001" runout. I couldn't reach the cylindrical surface with my test indicator. With a 1/2" collet and pin, I was measuring about .0004" about 1/4" from the collet and about .0011" at 1" from the collet. This was the same for a 3/4" collet and pin.

I have not actually used it for indexing as I have RT and CNC capabilities so I can't attest to the accuracy of the index positions.

Sorry, no experience with other spin indexers.


I just checked for parallelism to base, since it is a quoted spec. and my Phase II is parallel to .0007" over 4".

So, does the interstate not publish their numbers for the same specs as the Phase II becuase they would just be too far off, or because you get what you get, and that's it?
I'd get the cheap one. My thinking is they are probably the same quality. Then I'd watch ebay for a good deal on a yuasa and snatch it up. Never hurts to have 2. Or then sell the cheap one after you find a good one.