4 Jaw 4" Chuck Wanted


Jan 22, 2020
Looking for a 4 jaw independent chuck, 4" diameter for a Craftsman 101.07301 6" lathe.
Having a 1" x 8 TPI back plate would be a bonus!
have a look at Shars or Ebay, you'll find many to choose from.
4 jaws are ok to go with inexpensive chucks, you can negate most runout
Little Machine Shop is another option if you are looking for new & inexpensive. They carry the backplate you need also.
I find that Little Machine Shop often comes pretty close to bottom dollar guys with the awesome bonus of great customer service. Looks like they have a chuck for 115 and a plate for 25. I've also gotten a few bangoodies that were ok. Indian or Chinese tools on Fleabay have found their way home as well. Happy shopping. Show us pics so we can live vicariously through you. Looks like I got beat to the punch mr. Darkzero
I find that Little Machine Shop often comes pretty close to bottom dollar guys with the awesome bonus of great customer service. Looks like they have a chuck for 115 and a plate for 25.

Haha, I guess we were looking & typing at the same time. :)

Yup they are great people though, I have been to the location in person too. Haven't purchased a whole lot from them but everytime I have I was happy.
I got a terribly unbalanced chuck once, and they were great about it. I mean to tell you, problem solved and fast. I figure when you buy cheap tools it's a crapshoot. I feel ok paying a few bucks more to someone who will take care of me in the event of a lemon. I also love their site with all it's free info and product hints. I promise I'm just a happy customer not a shill.
I have several that are used for different sized work. The independant chucks are older, came from FleaBay and a couple salvaged from a Unimat. (3") The 4 jaw scroll chuck came from Grizzly. Just like a 3 jaw but with 4 jaws. Make sure the advert you read specifies either scroll or independant. Wanting one and getting the other is a little unsettling.
