2019 POTD Thread Archive

6876345F-4B36-4708-B1DC-27D29B593EE4.jpegTook a while to hobble together everything so that to scale was positioned out of the way of the zirk fitting plus was positioned so that the seal and reader was on the bottom.... so that the scarf won’t fall in the glass scales. All in all, I’m happy enough with the outcome. Still need to get the Z- axis on the knee and then a separate independent DRO on the quill.
Not quite sure what to call this other than “Anti-Bozo Device”, and even that is a bit risky. The pictures should tell most of the story...

3/8” cold rolled rod with a letter “L” hole drilled partway through...


Add one spring from an old typewriter (you Do have some, don’t you?) and a pencil that was too short to use so you put it aside just in case you might need it...


All should fit snugly inside the end mill holder with little fuss. See the idea?


This is where I’m trying to get with an extruder die plate for a potter friend of mine. I’ll tell ya, rotary table on horizontal miller where the only way you can see the dial is through a mirror can be a challenge, and paper is cheaper than UHMW-PE by a long shot!


Thanks for looking, I think...

Finished up on the Y-axis DRO today...
Installed the supplied swarf cover and then placed a 1”x1” aluminum angle towards the front of the swarf cover. And since I had to cut the scale to fit.... I also had to cut the cover. I used that little 4” section as a cover which travels with the pickup mount.
I also practiced up my silver brazing and made an end cap cover out of brass which kind of ties everything together. I’m hoping this eliminates those annoying rattles coming from dust covers. FEDF4D29-92A8-45A6-8FF8-8610C9965102.jpeg7C0DF6EB-193D-4563-81A0-DFB56089C0A0.jpeg
This is where I’m trying to get with an extruder die plate for a potter friend of mine. I’ll tell ya, rotary table on horizontal miller where the only way you can see the dial is through a mirror can be a challenge, and paper is cheaper than UHMW-PE by a long shot!


Got it. Yay...