Not much of a job since it only took about 2 min. of cutting plus another 10 to dial it in in the 4 jaw (brought it in at 0.0002 total runout and that'll probably never happen again! ), but here's an 11 degree crown on a brand new AR-15 pistol barrel. The guy applied for the SBR license and ordered the barrel, but the barrel was pretty dang sloppy IMO. It wouldn't pass the Q-Tip test and the flash hider threads were really rough at each end. Being a shorty, it really didn't need a "target" crown, but I like them on AR's for ease of cleaning and it'll give the owner bragging rights, for whatever that's worth.
Sorry for the sorry pics, I'm a gun wrench, not a photographer.
Sorry for the sorry pics, I'm a gun wrench, not a photographer.