As a part from an on-going cnc transformation, in my shop today I tried to make threads to a ballnut from 1605 Chinese ballscrew.
My 7x12 lathe and screw cutting tool managed to just scratch the surface of the ball nut!!!
So I had to improvise!!!
A new more powerful lathe from Santa would be the solution but I think is too heavy for him to carry.
I thought when a big machine, like the lathe, cannot do the job and a bigger machine is unavailable, a wise man should try a even smaller machine (dont think that I am a wise man though!!!)
It was time for my good old dremel to prove its versatility and any other capabilities it has!
I secured it to the tool holder of the Lathe and used it instead of the threading tool.
An hour later and numerous forward and reverse passes of the dremel the ballnut has its threads (sort of).
As these threads are not exactly as they should a special nut, with added security would be a necessity.
Here is the special nut with "locking capabilities"
And the nut on the ballnut
Thank you for reading