It's a Mitut.. What?? !!


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
May 27, 2016
The "me too" with the name thing is such a tacky gambit + at the silly bargain price, one has every reason to expect the innards are hardly more that a toy! As for "jewels" Hmm.. Not even worth the time to smack it apart and look inside.

From a UK eBay seller. $8.58 + $3.80 postage.
Miluloyo Knock-off.jpg
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Now this is one I actually possess. It came along with some magnetic stand stuff from a UK field flea market. A variation on the Mitutoyo spelling using capital "D" for the "o", and a "g" for the "y", because it also has the descender. A trick to fool the eye on a quick glance.

MitutDgD Knock-off.jpg

I don't know what this one might have sold for, but just because of the brazen messing with the Mitutoyo name, I strongly suspect it is cheaply built inside. This one claims made in Japan. The surprising thing is, so far, it actually "works". I know the messing with the name is a bit desperate as a sales technique - but when it comes to cost-effective functionalty, are these Chinese and Japanese makers somewhat showing us how?
The MitutDgD at least had the decency to put a Mitutoyo part number on the dial so it doesn't look like a cheap copy. ;)

From the land that succeeded in selling us "Pet Rocks" and Pokomon cards (I think), it would be poetic justice if the name coincidentally also meant "sucker".
You never know, but seriously, they may be OK. I had a buddy at work who returned to his China homeland with him mom and siblings for a tour of their roots. He brought back a number of fake Rolex watches. One of our co-workers dad was a jeweler; he took the watch apart and was very impressed with the craftsmanship. I've had pretty good luck with no-name Chinese measuring equipment. Of course, if it's being faked as a Mitutoyo, I wouldn't expect to pay Mitutoyo prices.

It's a common ploy these days. I bought an "Omron" rotary encoder a while back that actually says "Ormou" in the same font, so at a glance it's easy to miss. It works just as well as the "real" one, though.

Of course, if it's being faked as a Mitutoyo, I wouldn't expect to pay Mitutoyo prices.
I get that! The stuff I have trouble with are those which are high priced, or relatively high priced, and may be Mitutoyo counterfeits. I choked a bit on Mitutoyo for the Absolute Caliper, and I could not decode the pricing (UK) between up to £200, and stuff that seemed the same, asking to beyond £400. I put it down to margins of variable generosity.

In the end, I purchased a iGaging OriginCal Absolute Origin Encoder with data output capability for £52.95 delivered (that's about $66 USD). It is made in China. It seems to feel and work just as well as a Mitutoyo Absolute I used at work. Of course, it is not trying to be a knock-off!

If the innards of a fake Rolex, or a Chinese-made (something) are as good or better than an overpriced Starrett (whatever), then the home industries simply have to do it better, or start to notice we are buying the Chinese kit.

Hmm.. not even sure Starrett is really USA anymore.
Oh.. gosh! Maybe they are now Starrett selling Starrett cheap knock-offs!
It's a common ploy these days. I bought an "Omron" rotary encoder a while back that actually says "Ormou" in the same font, so at a glance it's easy to miss. It works just as well as the "real" one, though.
They are clever at that. The "l's" in "Miluloyo, in the font they use, amount to a "t" without the crossed line.
We're told at work to watch for sites with "rn" as opposed to "m" in the spelling. It'd be very easy to see a link to "hobby rnachinst" and mistake it for "hobby machinist".

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We're told at work to watch or sites with "rn" as opposed to "m" in the spelling. It'd be very easy to see a link to "hobby rnachinst" and mistake it for "hobby machinist".
Hee Hee - I get that, but maybe hobby rnachinist is not the best example.
It would not be too difficult to spot that it was just a different kind of porn.