DRO install on LC-30A (RF-30 clone)


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Oct 16, 2019
I started looking at how to install the DRO on my LC-30A mill.
A big question I had was where to put the X-axis scale; on the operator side or the column side.

This is the DRO, the YH800 model

Considerations for either side:
* Mounting it on the operator side has the potential to impede the safety stop for a powerfeed.
* On the column side could limit Y-axis travel.
On either side is the X-axis ball oilers on the front and back of the table.

I took some Y-axis measurements. I discovered that with the Y-axis fully toward the column, at the level of the table there's a .5" gap between the column and the table.
The scale is .87" thick so putting it on the back means I'd be reducing the travel by approx. .4"

The column base gets wider toward the bottom so if I have to mount the scale lower down, it would reduce the travel slightly more.

X-axis placement.jpg

Y-axis limit.jpg
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Another reason I didn't mount my scale on the column side was a complete lack of a way to mount it. Most all of the mounted scales I see on RF's and their clones is on the operator side. I can still get to the oiler but mine is the igaging type so there is room around it and I didn't mount a guard over it. Yeah, I could have probably found a way to mount the safety switch but I left it off. You just have to make sure you turn everything off when done. I messed up once, lesson learned and never again.
Another reason I didn't mount my scale on the column side was a complete lack of a way to mount it. Most all of the mounted scales I see on RF's and their clones is on the operator side. I can still get to the oiler but mine is the igaging type so there is room around it and I didn't mount a guard over it. Yeah, I could have probably found a way to mount the safety switch but I left it off. You just have to make sure you turn everything off when done. I messed up once, lesson learned and never again.
Would you be able to post a photo of your install?
I would say it's personal preference & really up to you. Most people do install them on the front on mill/drills. I've got the scale mounted on the column side on my PM45. Yeah it causes a loss of Y travel as does the chip guard bellows.

Hasn't really bothered me yet as I don't work on big things. I wanted it out the way. I didn't want to have to reach under the scale to use my X axis locks, I already don't like having to reach under the table for my Y axis locks as well as not having a quick visual on them. When I install heavy accessories on the table I like to slide them onto the table so I prefer my scale on the backside. Aside from my power feed stops (which I never use) I have a hanger for an air gun installed on the dovetail slot on the front.
I mounted my X scale on the front, and I did have to delete the "safety" switch for the power feed. I don't see much value in the "safety" stop, and I don't miss it.

I used the base of the mill on the left side for my Y scale. The Z scale fits nicely in the space up front where the feed stop would be if it were a Bridgeport. Everybody seems to come up with their own ideas for Z, so I did it my own way. Everything works well, and the DRO is nice to use.
Thanks Will, I'm leaning toward the putting it on the column side.
I mounted my X scale on the front, and I did have to delete the "safety" switch for the power feed. I don't see much value in the "safety" stop, and I don't miss it.

I used the base of the mill on the left side for my Y scale. The Z scale fits nicely in the space up front where the feed stop would be if it were a Bridgeport. Everybody seems to come up with their own ideas for Z, so I did it my own way. Everything works well, and the DRO is nice to use.
Thanks, I'd like to see how you did your install. Can you share some pics?
If you do mount it on the column side, be sure to include a hard stop so the scale does not get crushed. You may end up reducing travel by .5". I think that it would be worth it to mount the scale out of the way. You would never have to think about it again, unless of course you needed just .025" more travel.
It's a cluttered photo and you can't see the Y scale or how the Z works, but it's what I have on my phone. I can take better pictures later if you need detail.