Wabeco D6000e Change Gears for Threading?

Cadillac STS

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H-M Platinum Supporter
Jul 20, 2012
I have a new to me Wabeco D6000e lathe. It came with the manual and I have found some things about it online. I'm wanting to use the change gear set to cut threads but the description of how to change the gears is not clear by the manual. No picture or diagram to show exactly which gears go where. I know there is the diagram right there on the machine too but I just can't get the idea how to do it. Does anyone have a link to a site for help on that? Or better post up a picture of same lathe with the gear door open with threading gears in place. Once I see a picture it will probably be a forehead slapping moment but I just can't see which gear goes where.
Got it figured out. Was simple.

FYI. There is a decent Wabeco forum on Yahoo Groups. Not a huge amount of activity but there are a few D6000 owners. I used to own a D3000. The moderator is the US (or at least Western US) rep for Wabeco and can be very helpful. He has direct contact with the German factory. My manual was also confusing, so he got me a pdf of the original German manual. I don't speak German but have some friends that do. This helped clear up confusion about lube as the translated-to-English manual seemed to confuse oil and grease.

D6000 is the top of line Wabeco lathe, so you have a pretty nice machine. If you want to go crazy, check out this add-on you can get:
FYI. There is a decent Wabeco forum on Yahoo Groups. Not a huge amount of activity but there are a few D6000 owners. I used to own a D3000. The moderator is the US (or at least Western US) rep for Wabeco and can be very helpful. He has direct contact with the German factory. My manual was also confusing, so he got me a pdf of the original German manual. I don't speak German but have some friends that do. This helped clear up confusion about lube as the translated-to-English manual seemed to confuse oil and grease.

D6000 is the top of line Wabeco lathe, so you have a pretty nice machine. If you want to go crazy, check out this add-on you can get:

I checked into that CNC type retrofit but they said they only do those as from factory, not as a kit anymore to add on. Would be nice to find a used setup someone is done with though.
I checked into that CNC type retrofit but they said they only do those as from factory, not as a kit anymore to add on. Would be nice to find a used setup someone is done with though.

A generic version is sold as a kit and discussed in the E Leadscrew group on Yahoo:

I've been considering this since I got an Emco V10P and sold my Wabeco D3000E. I lost the ability to cut metric threads with the swap, and the E-Leadscrew would be a nice alternative to impossible-to-find metric gears for the Emco. It's just another in a long list of projects.
I see this thread is nearly a year old, if your still around I was wondering if you could give me a hint on threading on the D6000, I asked the Wabeco site but did not get an answer. My problem is when I installed an ELS I disconnected all the drives to the lead screw and I should have noted what pulley(gear) goes where. The German manual leaves a lot to be desired as far as diagrams are concerned. I disconnected the ELS to install on another lathe and now I want to cut one metric thread to big for the little lathe. My problem is I do not know tooth pulleys are used on the driven shaft "B" for a 1.5 MM thread Shaft "A" I have a 48 tooth driving a 36 on "B" I don't know what size pulley drives the 24 on "C". I have tried varouse sizes and I can not get close to a 1.5mm thread. I wondered if you might look on your D6000 and let me know. I assume its an 18 but that sure does not work for me. Thanks Jack
Got a PM from countryclaire but he is not able to receive replies to PMs. So try to solve the issue if you want a reply. I'll try to answer the question here as well, need some time to get the pictures that show the issue
Got a PM from countryclaire but he is not able to receive replies to PMs. So try to solve the issue if you want a reply. I'll try to answer the question here as well, need some time to get the pictures that show the issue

Thanks for the reply, I got it figured out and we are back to operating. Have a great day Jack