I have a 60 Gallon Farm hand compressor that is about 20 years old. These compressors were manufactured by Campbell Hausfeld.
It has been in service, problem free for its whole life. a couple days ago, I moved it from my garage to the barn, wired it up and away she goes.
The problem is that the pressure switch doesn't shut it off!!! The switch isn't really meant to be serviced and in the interest of safety, I think I'll just replace it.
I am able to activate the little lever and make it shut off but the pressure from the tank just won't do it. Anyone ever see something like this or have any ideas on something I have overlooked?
This one has me baffled...
It has been in service, problem free for its whole life. a couple days ago, I moved it from my garage to the barn, wired it up and away she goes.
The problem is that the pressure switch doesn't shut it off!!! The switch isn't really meant to be serviced and in the interest of safety, I think I'll just replace it.
I am able to activate the little lever and make it shut off but the pressure from the tank just won't do it. Anyone ever see something like this or have any ideas on something I have overlooked?
This one has me baffled...