FreeCad - really just getting started


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2019
I'd like to learn FreeCad. I've soldiered along using LibreCad for a while, but I would like to be able to model my parts in 3D as they have been getting more complicated. I've managed to install v0.19 on my Linux computer. Previously had 0.18, but couldn't get very far with it. Going to the Tutorials page, there are 10 topics. Where to really start? Modeling parts? I had started with Creating a simple part with PartDesign v0.17. But can't seem to get through it, since the interfaces seem to be different. The scale was whacked. Seems like the default settings are a bit weird. The view was quite different. Took me a while just to figure out how the pan the drawing!

Had difficulty getting the lines to actually connect to each other. The display was too small to see the endpoints. When zoomed in I could see the lines weren't connected. Didn't see a way to snap the lines together, like in 2D. Dragging the endpoints moved the whole line, rather than stretching it, so the other end got disconnected! What am I missing? Never made it to the part of the tutorial where the drawing turned into 3D because I couldn't create a fully closed constrained 2D object. Is there an even more basic tutorial than this one? Or just do this one over and over again wishing for a different result ;)
Forget everything about 0.17. Thing changed with 0.18. A lot. And 0.19 is better than 0.18. Things can move quite quickly in the FOSS world. You have to be careful to make sure the tutorial you use matches your version. That's the problem with using books. The publisher lead time is enough that by the time it hits print, the book is two versions behind. Youtube videos are the best. Find a presenter you like and follow through.

In the constraints menu, there should be a single dot. Select that, then select the two line end points you want to join.
I would suggest viewing YT videos called "FreeCAD for Beginners" by Adventures in Creation. He as a series from #1 to #27 (so far). Very good and detailed while not getting bogged down.
Thanks. I was sitting here trying to start. Had loaded the Parts Designer Workbench but no buttons were active. Just figured out that one needs to create a new file, just to even get the toolbar not to be grey! Couldn't fathom why I couldn't even get to the first step! "Create a new body and make it active". I'll get there, but expect it to be a bit frustrating along the way.
I would suggest viewing YT videos called "FreeCAD for Beginners" by Adventures in Creation. He as a series from #1 to #27 (so far). Very good and detailed while not getting bogged down.

Yes, do recommend! I am glad to see him make this series of videos. I had watched his earlier work when he was moving from Fusion 360 to Freecad.
Forget everything about 0.17. Thing changed with 0.18. A lot. And 0.19 is better than 0.18. Things can move quite quickly in the FOSS world. You have to be careful to make sure the tutorial you use matches your version. That's the problem with using books. The publisher lead time is enough that by the time it hits print, the book is two versions behind. Youtube videos are the best. Find a presenter you like and follow through.

In the constraints menu, there should be a single dot. Select that, then select the two line end points you want to join.
See, this is what makes me laugh. I know nothing about 0.0-0.18. So I'm not burdened by it. I don't care how it is different - many in the community do care - I just want to be able to make things.

Thanks for the tip on the single dot, I'll have to remember that.
The contributions from Joko Engineeringhelp are awsome!
This guy uses other CAD packages daily, in his work, and has a deep understanding of all.
Here he gets into FreeCAD Tips and Tricks, starting with gears.

Yeah, I've watched Joko Engineeringhelp videos, too. They are good as well.

I think he is a developer for FreeCAD. Maybe, the Path workbench?
I just started using it last week. Once you get going it's not too bad, I just keep digging through the menu items/buttons and trying things
Stay with it! It gets easier and easier.