Work space subdatum not showing metric correctly?


Jun 5, 2023
Not a big deal but just noticed. Also I am new to this dro and the whole machining thing so maybe I am misunderstanding something. Also I currently only have the X axis dro enabled as I am trying to build parts to install my Y axis.

Have my dro in inches but I switched to metric for this project. Set the left edge of my part to X 0.0 moved in to the following for x values [7mm, 7.5mm, 16.5mm, 17mm] and set up a custom subdatum point for each. In the custom subdata dialog I named each point a unique name and set the measured value to mm. In the dialog there is an x value which shows inches but does not change from the inch value when I select mm. When I go back to the main screen the subdatum still shows the values in inches and they also do not seem to be related to where I am currently. The values listed for my four points are as follows [0.0109",0.0116",0.0010",0.0010"].

Just noticed after fooling around a bit more. If I leave the subdatum point when initially creating in inches it gives me the correct offset from my zero (in inches). If I switch the subdatum to metric the value in the dialog does not change from inches but when I go back to the points list its switched to a different incorrect inches value. If I then reopen the subdatum point dialog the inch option is selected again but the value is still wrong. Also its not just the numerical display next to the numbers. The points actually seem to be all stacked on top of each other in the graphical screen.

One more thing, it would be nice if the subdatum dialog had the mm selected automatically because I am currently in metric mode.

Touchdro version 3.23.06
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One additional question. What exactly sets subdatum value listed? I was redoing my points and moved to my left edge again to set a new point hit the "zero set" button (in the main part of the window, not the one next to the axis) then also added a sub datum point. It was showing a non zero X offset, I think it was the value the axis was showing before I zeroed it. So I deleted it. I opened the edge finder dialog. Set the left point and then hit accept. Then I set a new subdatum. This time it was showing a 0 x offset like I was expecting the first time. I am not yet savvy to the abs/incremental duality yet so I figure it was something to do with that but if my X value is currently showing 0 what should the subdatum be that I create at that point if I have not moved?

Oh one other useful bit of info if it matters is I have the highlight closest point functionality selected in the graphical view.
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