Which Molo Would Be Best For A Th42?

great white

Active User
Jan 25, 2015
So, I've looked at the sticky and it seems the th42 calls for 1937V4 or 1937V2 w/supplement or 1955V6.

Honestly, that confuses me a little bit.

I'm just looking for a MOLO to cover my TH42 (for things like basic operations, maintenance, etc) and the metric threading charts (supplement?).

I don't care if it's original of reproduction. In fact, reproductions seem to be a bit cheaper, which is fine by me.

Unfortunately, ebay is my only really viable source since I'm in Canada and shipping anything cross border is a PITA. Haven't called clausing, but it would probably be a hassle as well. Maybe more than usual since it will likely come UPS (which is an extra hassle and expense!)

Could someone more knowledgeable about MOLO versions look at this auction please: http://www.ebay.com/itm/201335311428?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&fromMakeTrack=true

That auction seems to always end at 20 bucks and no bids. Shipping is what it is, that's the cross border PITA (at least he ships USPS).

I asked the seller a few questions and this is all I got back:

Unfortunately the inside front cover is blank so I can't tell you what reprint edition this book is.

Part 7 is titled Thread Cutting on the Atlas F-series 10-inch lathe.

Should that version suit my needs?
The copyright date or the print date and edition number are not on the inside front cover. They are on the back of the title page. In most originals, the first sheet or fly leaf (and the last 5 or 6) is blank and the title page is on the front of the second sheet. However, reprinters have a tendency to delete blank pages including the fly leaf..

But, the only version in which the first page in Chapter 7 starts off saying exactly "Thread Cutting on the Atlas F-Series 10-inch Lathe" is Version 4. The loose supplement that was originally shipped with V2 or V3 began "Threading Supplement to adapt". And the first page in V6 or V7 is essentially the second page in V4 or V5. So it must be V4, which is the best version for a Change Gear 10F.