Which boring bar set


I'm putting together an order for LMS (got my tax refund, which included a $300 energy credit on a new heatpump) which will include a boring bar set. I'm wondering for hobbyuse, which would serve better, HSS or carbide? Materials would be theusual Aluminum, Brass, mild steel, and cast iron. What would be yourchoice and why?
Also, being an old retired fart, I'malways looking for better ways to grind tool bits. Does anyone knowof a source for the Baldor Grinder clone like HF used to sell (46727I think)? Can't seem to find one anywhere. I had a chance on thedisplay model at my local HF when they clearanced it, but theywouldn't let me use a 20% coupon so I passed. At the time the storemanager assured me it wasn't being discontinued... I haven't beenback since.
Hands down, HSS. Carbide requires much higher RPMs and pressures to cut properly. When you're boring, you usually can't afford either of those.

As for the Baldor-style grinders... Have always wanted one mainly because they're cool looking but, have always managed to do everything that needed to get done with an old 1970s Craftsman and modern production HF, 2 wheel grinder. I am not an accomplished bit grinder and only need to make 2-3 common styles so, maybe the Baldor style is helpful for more complicated shapes. -Don't know.


I'm putting together an order for LMS (got my tax refund, which included a $300 energy credit on a new heatpump) which will include a boring bar set. I'm wondering for hobbyuse, which would serve better, HSS or carbide? Materials would be theusual Aluminum, Brass, mild steel, and cast iron. What would be yourchoice and why?
Also, being an old retired fart, I'malways looking for better ways to grind tool bits. Does anyone knowof a source for the Baldor Grinder clone like HF used to sell (46727I think)? Can't seem to find one anywhere. I had a chance on thedisplay model at my local HF when they clearanced it, but theywouldn't let me use a 20% coupon so I passed. At the time the storemanager assured me it wasn't being discontinued... I haven't beenback since.