What's going here?


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Oct 16, 2019
I don't understand the mechanics of what Joe is doing.
What Joe did is create a clamp, which despite being out of concentricity on it's OD, is concentric
on the ID. When a boring bar is used it creates a hole that is true with respect to the centerline of the spindle.
Everything else was just the details of how to make the clamp.
Just watching this video quick for 5 minutes, I saw at LEAST 3 things you should never do in a shop. Starting with running the indicator the wrong way against the chuck, (he caught himself because after the initial turn he ran it the correct way), blowing out chips in a running machine to hitting the jaws with a file, please don't do what this guy does. At the least unsafe, up to just plain dumb. Forget about the mechanics, find another guy to watch on YouTube.
Just watching this video quick for 5 minutes, I saw at LEAST 3 things you should never do in a shop. Starting with running the indicator the wrong way against the chuck, (he caught himself because after the initial turn he ran it the correct way), blowing out chips in a running machine to hitting the jaws with a file, please don't do what this guy does. At the least unsafe, up to just plain dumb. Forget about the mechanics, find another guy to watch on YouTube.

I didn’t catch the dial indicator part but did wonder about the air and cringed when the file hit the chuck.

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Seems like anybody/everybody has to make a youtube video these days, and some of them really should turn the camera off
Joe Pie is one of my favorites.
He always has clever solutions to tough problems, this one included.

Admittedly, however, in this one he also does some things that could get you hurt or get you fired.

But, let's not throw away all his great ideas due to some poorly executed operations.
Remember that everyone should be "sorting" good vs. bad habits they see on you-tube or anywhere else.
No one should be trying everything they see on the internet....that will get you killed.

There is a reason that here is a ball on the indicator pickup just like there is a reason there should be at least one safe edge on a file used on a lathe. No-one deliberately touches the jaws but I would love to meet the person who hasn't. The only thing that I didn't like was filing right handed. The air, what's the problem?
There is a reason that here is a ball on the indicator pickup just like there is a reason there should be at least one safe edge on a file used on a lathe. No-one deliberately touches the jaws but I would love to meet the person who hasn't. The only thing that I didn't like was filing right handed. The air, what's the problem?

With the machine running you not only get a face full of chips, you also just put chips inside the scroll and anywhere else it can get.
Fair enough. I was taught never to blow a machine off because grit would get forced into where it shouldn't be. I realise that general crap can be blown off but still cringe when I see it. I would think that if swarfe is going to get blown into the scroll it would be more likely stationary. I use a brush and still check and clean the scroll regularly and I strip the chuck yearly for a clean or anytime I can feel something hanging up that I can't access from the outside sometimes more if I am turning a lot of Cast Iron.
I've not watched this particular video but I know in previous videos he has mentioned using a belt sander to knock the teeth off of one edge of the file so that if / when it does contact the jaws it doesn't bite or damage the jaws.

With reference to blowing the chips off - they end up in the scroll all by themselves quickly enough anyway. Tearing down and cleaning a chuck is less than a 10 minute job so if it has to be done slightly more frequently when using an air gun then, in a production setting at least, the time saved outweighs the possible additional maintenance. Personally I find myself using the compressor more and more to clean the machine down. As long as you understand your machine and direct chips way from sensitive areas (including your face) then I don't see anything wrong with it.