Whatcha using to Clean Your Machines?


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My new-to-me Heavy 10 needs a good cleaning. Lots of dried gunk in the apron and few other places. I was going to use carb cleaner but then I don't want to repaint the lathe. I've read Purple Power, kerosene, Zep citrus are good. What products are you guys using to clean your machinery?
I use straight diesel and a scotchbrite pad when it gets really gummy, but before I just use WD-40 and cheap micro fiber towels (or the wife's better towels if she leaves them in the garage).
I used simple-green purple degreaser, I wanted something that was biodegreadable, and easy on the environment, skin. it worked great for cleaning the clausing lathe I did a couple months ago. you can see pics here:


for parts I could not disassemble and clean + dry I used WD-40, and later lubed with way oil.

there are probably cheaper alternatives out there, but I wanted something that would be easy for me to deal with, and dispose of in a residential location.

lately COSTCO around here started selling biodegreadable GREEN degreaser that works similar to simplegreen - only at half the cost -so I stocked up on that.
Be very careful with the Purple Power, Simple Green, and such. While they work very well, they work too well in some cases. In other words they will slightly attack paints (I assume especially "oil" based ones). You can end up wiping the paint on those nice silk screened plates (motor and threading table) right off. A light once-over on them won't be an issue but continued rubbing on them as well as other painted surfaces can become problematic.


mineral spirits, purple stuff started removing the paint and discoloring the finish
I used oven cleaner on the 20 plus year old drill press that I got in trade for a pile of fishing equipment.

There's probably a good reason not to use it, but it sure worked well getting all the old grease off of ir.

I use a siphon gun with either Kerosene or Mineral Spirits...whichever is cheapest to soak it do pretty good, then after a soak, do it again, without blasting the silkscreen panels. On rust, 0000 steel wool with Kero or M Spirits, followed by another hose down.

I shut down all electricity, save the compressor, and open the doors. Once it dries, oil everything.

Light degreasing I do with paper towels and Fantastik or 409, then oil if bare metal.