What VFD to get?
Thats a tough question to answer really. Its not just a general answer either. Questions like , do you want braking, instant reverse, constant torque. Depending on your needs snd wants, the choice can vary greatly.
I Have 2 Teco units, They are the FM500 models,not the fm50. A 240v 5 hp on the mill, and the Lathe has a 600v 7.5 hp. Both in Nema enclosures. I dont use the braking option on either, I have no use for instant reverse. Ramp up, and down, is all I feel is needed.
Both are volts/hertz VFDs and are not constant torque. They both can be set up to show RPM rather than hrtz, and I do use that. They both will do the vari-speed, but the mill is a vari-speed head, so I leave that VFD at 60 hrtz. The lathe I use the VFD for speed changes only if I cant get the speed from the gear box, or need a very hi-speed for certain work. I havnt seen any problem with these VFDs, though they are basic compared to others out there.
Complicated question, with a diverse amount of opinions, and answers.
This same question often comes up, but the end user needs to ask himself, What Im looking for out of a VFD? first. Then it can be narrowed down a bunch.
The Teco units I have are very easy to set up, and very user friendly.