I would like to move a rung up the ladder of quality work and am thinking of buying a set of reamers. Unfortunately I work in both metric and imperial. Am I better off with a set of fixed reamers and add under and oversize as I need them or can I use an adjustable like these:
to cover both under, over, imperial, and metic? How fiddely are they to adjust and how much skill does it take to get an accurate setting? While on the subject, what is the difference between hand reamers and machine? If it is just a case of productivity I would lean towards hand reamers as I am assuming you do less damage while learning.
to cover both under, over, imperial, and metic? How fiddely are they to adjust and how much skill does it take to get an accurate setting? While on the subject, what is the difference between hand reamers and machine? If it is just a case of productivity I would lean towards hand reamers as I am assuming you do less damage while learning.