What is this?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
I have a number of them, from a scrap yard. The head is quite heavy, tungsten? The bottom feels like aluminum, anodized? Until I held it in my hand, thought it was a dart.

Latin, haha -- good thought! Except that this is far too heavy for any kind of kid's toy. And the tip is flat.
Moderate, what's a tracer? As in a tracer shell? Never seen one of those before, but this seems to be too top heavy.

Yes, some sort of tracer amunition, it was a wild guess. I really have no idea.

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Now you guys are making me feel REALLY Old, Lol!

TMENYC- Actually its the Flat Tip that is most reminiscent because thats pretty much like the flat spot you would apply the cap to in order to load them IIRC.

The only other thing i can think they may be would be one of those Kinetic energy weapon rounds. In fact someone one here was recently selling his personal collection but i dont remember who it was!
now you guys are REALLY getting me curious... going to ask the guy who found them at the scrapyard to find out next time he's there...
Is that a set screw in pic 1? If so then is its purpose to hold the front half and back halfs together or is there a hole in the tip where something could be inserted?