What Is This Cutter?


Jul 8, 2016
When I bought my lathe, the seller included many boxes of random tooling, much of which wasn't even for a lathe. On the upside, I scored some R8 collets that I needed for my mill. There was also some stuff that I've never seen before. There were two of these included. I'm guessing it's some kind of milling cutter meant for a Morse taper machine (it has a tapered shaft, though I didn't measure it, and it doesn't match the taper in the tailstock of the lathe, though I can't imagine what mounting a cutter like this in the tailstock would accomplish anyways)? Perhaps a smaller horizontal mill?

IMG_1205.jpg IMG_1207.jpg
Does it cut on the end? Does it have a hole in the middle with threads deep inside? If YES to both it could be a counter sink cutter, with provision for adding a pilot to the middle.
No, and no. The center bore goes down roughly 1/4"-3/8", but is smooth bore.
is the tapered end threaded to accept a drawbar?
looks like an endmill from the pictures, maybe a reamer?
No threading on the top end either. There is a hole bored, roughly 1/8" diameter, 1/4" deep, with a countersink at the top. The bottom edge is cut square, no chamfer or radius. Granted, I'm not familiar with reamers. I understand the concept, but I haven't had one in my hands in about 20 years. I seem to remember them all being chamfered at the end, similar to a threading tap, to start the cutting action.

I had assumed it was just a different type of straight flute end mill..I just didn't know if there was some nifty use for them that I wasn't aware of. Either way, it's merely curiosity at this point, as I figure it likely wouldn't be worth the cost to buy an R8 to taper adapter just to run these two on something.