I have been restoring a new to me milling machine hbm profi 45. It is 10 years old but used by a hobbiest who had many hobby's so it wasn't used much. It is the same chinese model as optimum mb4 and grizzly g0761.
Now i wanted to replace the oil in the geared head so i drained it. I didn't open the head fully so i had no idea what the geares would look like but when i ran it everything sounded good. Now i removed the measure glas so i can peak inside and there js this orange layer on the gears. Do any of you know what this is?
I already sprayed a can of brake cleaner to get most of the grut out. But the orange layer stayed on. It isn't rust because i got a cottonswab and absored some degreaser. It came right of! Also it doens't cover the mating surfaces where the gears have been touching. The old oil wasn't also that bad.
What do you guys think? Open up the head or just poor the new oil in. I really didn't want to open up the head because it has already taken a long time because of my perfectionism. But if i must i wil.
Now i wanted to replace the oil in the geared head so i drained it. I didn't open the head fully so i had no idea what the geares would look like but when i ran it everything sounded good. Now i removed the measure glas so i can peak inside and there js this orange layer on the gears. Do any of you know what this is?
I already sprayed a can of brake cleaner to get most of the grut out. But the orange layer stayed on. It isn't rust because i got a cottonswab and absored some degreaser. It came right of! Also it doens't cover the mating surfaces where the gears have been touching. The old oil wasn't also that bad.
What do you guys think? Open up the head or just poor the new oil in. I really didn't want to open up the head because it has already taken a long time because of my perfectionism. But if i must i wil.