Way Fun Lathe Project !


Active User
what a great project, and a fantastic post!

saved to revisit later....
Thanks for posting.
I seen your post on another site and your approach and methods show true craftsmanship
my son was into yo-yos and all the things you noted about balance and equal mass side to side i can now see why some of his yo-yos wanted to turn on their side when spinning and others vibrate.
thank you it may only be a yo-yo but your method relates to anything spinning at high speeds
and you made it a great post.
Great post. The pictures are incredible. I may have to make one of these for me to play with.

I don't know if any of you noted the date of Randy's original post. He's been absent for some time, and that has been a concern for some of us. He was a great contributor while here, and I believe he and his wife both had health issues. We can only hope he's ok and simply can't squeeze in a visit here. I've tried to contact him several times over the last few months, and met with no success.
I didnt notice the date
I hope they are well I could sure learn a lot from him