Jim is really giving a very good suggestion. This is something I have been pondering myself the last 3--4 months with a lathe purchase. I have a Chinese 13 x 40 lathe, it is big enough for most of the things I do, but it is is not as big as I could use, a larger bore model would be a big plus. There are other things that need mechnical attention with this machine! I think after going through encos machines, the offerings from precision mathews and scouring the net for all the low end industrial machines in my price range, coming up with a budget, working out the costs... it would cost me less than 1/4 the cost of a new machine to upgrade the motor, spindle bearings, and bushings, as well as purchasing new dros... this machine I know what I have, it is not perfect but it is not junk either. It may not be the best option for you, but maybe it is. It's nice to have brand new toys toy play with, but it is also nice to just have the toys you already own working to their full potential... which leaves you more money in the kitty for tooling and other shop purchases.