Video - Aligning your lathe tailstock with a coax indicator


Active User
Jun 23, 2011
I needed to realign my lathe's tailstock after cutting a tapered thread for a homemade tap and die for model pipe thread. I figured I would try my hand a videography and make a video of the process...

Here's the quickest, accurate way I know of...


You saw it here first on HM!

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Nicely done!

You sound a lot younger than I envisioned and very little NYC accent!!

You should hear mine! :lmao:

That video is a real help.
How about doing some others? We could use them.

I got all excited thinking there was another use for my co-ax indicator. Then I remembered my tail-stock doesn't offset. :mad:

Nice video and a great application for the co-ax indicator!


Nicely done!

You sound a lot younger than I envisioned and very little NYC accent!!

You should hear mine! :lmao:

That video is a real help.
How about doing some others? We could use them.


Yeah. I'm but a pup... Just turned 42.

Designer of spacecraft and military motion control electronics/software by day (my company makes mechanical actuators for space and military applications), hobby machinist by night. 24/7 is father of two girls: 2 1/2 and 7 years old. No NYC accent 'cuz I'm from eastern LI.

I'm really not up to doing a lot of videos for most things, unless I do them often and am adept at them. Machining for me takes too much concentration, so even photography is a distraction. But, I'm getting bgetter every day and will try to make vids when I'm comfortabke enough with my techniques... We have a good number of mechanical engineers, machinists, tool-makers, manufacturing engineers, etc at work that give me advice and teach me tricks of the trade.

I love that method! Much better than any way that I have used in the past.
John, I figure I'm doing well if I can still remember 42. But then, when I can't, it probably won't matter.

I just got a coax last week, but I haven't played with it yet. I'm looking forward to it. We get to use some pretty cool stuff.

Good video.
nice job. i've used my indicator on the mill but this is a great idea. thanks for taking the time to do it.
Great job. I have used this method before but actually had forgotten about it. This is a great way to do this. Thanks for the reminder. Video was great. A tripod would have helped and work on your lighting (that may clear up some of the blurriness). But the rest was really well done. Please make more. It is a lot better than any of my first attempts.

Great job on the video! Looks like a great way to do it. Now I have another tool to buy. Oh, darn.