Vevor DRO Scales


Dec 10, 2014
I have just added TouchDRO to my Index mill, using glass scales from Vevor. So far they seem to be working well. The Vevor products seem to be of good quality, and the shipping was quick. But the product is utterly undocumented, and when you need help, Vevor doesn't have a clue. One odd thing is that with each scale they shipped a little board. I wonder what it is for--anybody know?

Anther person asked me about these before. This is an adapter (presumably to adapt scales to a different pinout). I have no remote clue why someone would dream this up, instead of just re-wiring the connectors, but Chinese companies work in mysterious ways. In any case, you don't need it for TouchDRO, but don't trust their documentation. I.e. at least take apart the connectors and make sure that the wiring passes a basic sanity check (i.e. wires are where the documentation says there should be a wire).
I believe there are two different pinouts for the scales; one is much more common than the other so they include the adapter just in case.
I believe there are two different pinouts for the scales; one is much more common than the other so they include the adapter just in case.
There are many more than two. The most common seems to be the scheme where the top 5 pins are used (or 4-out-of-5 if Z is not wired). Even among those some have Pin 1 wired to Vcc, 2 to Ground and the A and B. Others have Vcc on Pin 5 and ground either next to it or on Pin 1. In other words, it's all over the place. I have about two dozen Chinese scales that i use for testing and they were wired at least 5 or 6 different ways.
I get at least one or two emails per week with pinout questions, and have seen more that one case where someone orders three scales and one of them has a different pinout.
Fortunately it's easy enough to find the pinout, since 99% of the scales seem to use the same circuit. I posed instructions here: How to Find Glass DRO Scale Pin Functions

It could be that that company made a change to their pinout at some point and is trying to cover their bases
If that was the case they should at least include a heads-up notice in the package