Very cool old foundry/machine shop!! Another one.....


Active User
This is a neat old machine shop/foundry in Nevada. I hope it hasn't been posted before. Lets see if I can embed both videos. Its called Tonopah Treasures.


The first one is the foundry and the second is a little of the machine shop.


Man I wish I could go back in time and work with these old guys for a while. Esp. with the foundry work and pattern maker. Heck with all of it lol.

I love these old pictures. Incredible machines and their various drives. It is a wonder that the OSHA police don't come knocking for ungarded pulleys.. infeed pinch points etc... please don't tell them.
Thank you for the videos. Very enjoyable.

It's sad so much of industrial know how, has gone to other countries.
I have got to reply to this, I was in Tonopah,NV about 1986 at the Round Mountain Gold Mine. I flew in Las Vegas and drove to Tonopah late one night, about 1/2 way there was a fence running parallel to the road. I had to take a leak and pulled the car off onto the sand and went to stretch, Leaned back over front fender lit a smoke and was looking at the night sky when a triangle (jet black) flew over head and was making no sound and I thought I was in trouble, then I seen the sign on the fence that read (Deadly force authorized) and realized I was in Area 51 peremeter now I'm sure I was not suppost to see this. Got back in the car and drove 85 MPH which was a fast a a K car would go till I reached Tonopah. About 5 years after that I realized I had seen the first Stealth Fighter in testing. When I got to the mine the next morning what a sight it was, there was no wind blowing a a huge black cloud was over the mine from all the Diesel engines running digging and hauling the ore to the crusher. Then there was the sulfuric acid being sprayed with huge garden hose nozzles on the crushed stone pile to leach the gold out of the rock. There was a smelter on site and was the only place I ever seen a small armored truck with dual rear axels. I plew black buggers for two days after leaving this place a luckily never went back, the only good thing I remember about this trip was getting a piece of turquois the size of a football which I now use as a door stop at my place.
....Leaned back over front fender lit a smoke and was looking at the night sky when a triangle (jet black) flew over head and was making no sound and I thought I was in trouble, then I seen the sign on the fence that read (Deadly force authorized) and realized I was in Area 51......
