I believe Enco machines were the usual Chinese products with Enco's name on them. I have no experience with them,
but it's not hard to imagine that like most Chinese imports, the quality varies depending on which specific factory built the machine and what level of quality the importer was willing to pay for.
Grizzly is a pretty well established company, so probably not going anywhere soon. I've spent time in their Bellingham showroom, and my impression on was their stuff was pretty typical of Chinese imports. (That is to say, variable
quality wise) . They do seem to have
a decent reputation for customer service.
I think that older Chinese machines were mostly Taiwanese, but that most new saws are from mainland China.
The only Chinese saw I have any experience with was a 14" Rigid wood saw that I bought for a specific project. I wasn't impressed, and sold it when I no longer needed it. As hard as it is for you, your best bet might be to find something like the older 14" Rockwell wood/metal saws. Might have to do some driving to get one I imagine.