Using a 6" Atlas lathe

Bill Magee

Been collecting parts and such to get my 6" Atlas back on its feet. Does anyone know if the Atlas lathe came with reversing capability? I have the parts listing and the same amount of documentation that discusses operations but nothing so far covers reversing.

Not sure which model you have but many of the older 6" units just had a simple on/off switch on the headstock. If your unit has a drum switch, it's probably reversible. Some of them had a leadscrew reverse lever on the left side near the forward way that would change the direction of the leadscrew only. +1 on the Steve's concern about running a screw-on chuck in reverse. That can get ugly.

A picture of the unit would help make a positive ID.

I also have an Atlas 618 and there is no mechanical way to reverse direction. I had to hook up the motor so that I could reverse it. When I want reverse I always start the motor with the jack shaft released and then slowy engage the belt.
Reversing is done by the motor. The main use for reverse would be for backing out when doing threading or taping. With a threaded chuck you are limited in using reverse. It is nice to have, but not required.
As others have said, if yours has a reversible motor you can reverse the spindle, provided you have a switch which can handle both directions. That's usually a drum switch, but there are some other types. Mine has a drum switch, but I have had other 618s with original Atlas motors that were non-reversible. Luck of the draw perhaps.

As for the chuck spinning off, there are several ways to add a locking device, such as a pin or grub screw.
If you use collets it's not a problem.