Weight: the manufacturer said 1 ton (approx) shipping weight. If you haven't found this yet go to vintagemachinery.org and search for Burke Machine Tool Co. There are 2 U.S. Vertical Milling Machine publications there, one a manual, the other a sales brochure which has the weight. If I understand the serial number mine would be made in '53, towards the last. Yours is a later style, with the vertical axis crank offset from the table crank. I've seen pics of early ones with those in-line, knuckle busters. No need to bolt to the floor, unlike a lathe, mills don't twist of their own weight. My pallet is of oak 2x6's I had, it also brings the controls closer to my height. Also watch where the cherry picker's legs stick out. It was hard to dodge them and still have a clear area to lower the mill.