A friend mentioned to me that he has a large quantity of large Steel rod that he bought to weight commercial crab pots but ended up not using. He brought one over for me to play with and it is 18" long by 2.25" diameter steel rod with some light surface rust/scale in places (these were not used in crab pots as he tried a few out and decided against the idea). It looks extruded. So I drilled the end and it was hard but drilled okay so I threw it in the lathe with a live center and played with it. My hss bits can't do much with it. I started at a moderate speed and slow feed, then slower speeds with slow feeds and nothing worked. I tried getting a little more aggressive with the feed in but it balked. I tried using a grooving tool and cutting past the scale, but it didn't get any better (just shinier) in a ways. I don't know what the steel is, but I can't do anything with it. My bits are sad and need reground and I need to get a chunk of aluminum to drown my sorrows in!:whiteflag: It also begs the question of how big/heavy is too much for the little Grizzly G0602 lathe? Kinda sucks to lose a line on a pile of stock, but oh well...