Unidentifiable (by me) 5C-like collet - any information?


Sep 6, 2024
I have a set of collets that came with a Logan 820 lathe I recently purchased. I didn't pay much attention to them when I bought the lathe, as they were in a box with their own chuck/closer, all looking rather beat up. I glanced, assumed they were 5Cs, and put them aside.

Got them out recently, and was thinking about replacing some of the most abused ones, and generally getting them and the chuck into better shape. They are clearly not 5Cs, however. Nor are they anything else I've been able to identify either from books or online.

The collets have a slightly domed face like xCs, and are 3.25" from the base of the collet to the shoulder of the face. The diameter of the face is 1.25" They have external 13/16 (0.818 more or less) 26TPI threads to a length of 13/16" from the base. The body of the collet is .900 inches at the thread end, 2" long to the base of the taper.

Any ideas on what these are, or their origin?

Maybe a 4C?
Can't help , but I have a few freebies here of oddball collets also . :dunno:
Can't help , but I have a few freebies here of oddball collets also . :dunno:
Yeah, given the vintage of the lathe (1946), and the fact that its only real user was the original owner who had it in his shop for 60 years, and the condition of the collets, they probably were acquired contemporaneously with the lathe. They are not any of the collets or closer/chucks that Logan offered itself, so who knows. No marks on them other than the 1/8" collet which has "1/8" stamped on it. They are also obviously from more than one manufacturer or at least different catalogues (some have three jaws, some six; some have a several thousandths relief on the barrel just behind the head of the collet, some don't - so I guess, they couldn't have bee completely uncommon in their time.
None of these seem to be it.

View attachment 502226

Maybe this will help.

No. It's not a C collet or a 6K, nor any of the ther "C Types" identified on the Tools-n-Gizmos page. Nor is it identified in Machinery's Handbook's lathe collet spec guide. I checked all those out before posting that they are not a type "I've been able to identify either from books or online."

I just thought some old-timer here might have a clue for me. It was a long shot, and not a big deal if I never know, since I'm clearly not going to find any replacements for the damaged ones.