Trav a Dial

Earl Horgeshimer

Oct 24, 2019
Anyone use one of these? I bought a surface grinder from a machine shop that was closing and I found this in one of the boxes. It appears to work.
I even found a brochure along with a 1982 price list. I guess that "back in the day" these things were less expensive than a DRO.

I had them on all my lathes and they worked perfect for me . I currently have one on my 5917 Clausing . I prefer DROs on the mills . The dials are still worth about $300 . ( I think thats what I got for the last one I sold on the Bay )
Back in the day... these were the only alternative to dials. For years I liked them better than DROs... then finally learned how to use a DRO>. Still like them on the z axis on lathes.
That one looks clean! I have a couple I need to sell. They are really awesome but only read in inches and my math skills need no further challenging :)
I need the metal bull gear if anybody has one lying around.
Had a couple on lathes I was running back in the 80's. Worked fine.
What drives the dial so that it can read movement ?
There is a textured wheel that is attached to a gear train like in a dial indicator, that is spring loaded against the vertical surface of the lathe bed, in front and below the way surfaces; the roller is slightly curved (crowned) so that adjustments can be made to calibrate it for a true reading. They come with a spring brass wiper to keep debris from riding under the measuring wheel and also a foam plastic wiper inboard of the brass wiper to further keep crud from entering. I first saw one back in the mid 1960s, and so far as I know, they are still available. Made by SouthWest Industries.