Touch DRO feature suggestions: linear division


Sep 29, 2020
Dear Yuriy,
A feature enhancement suggestion: linear division similar to the "rotary division" feature that already exists for the rotary axis.
I recently had a job where I had parts with 3x pre-existing holes all in a line. I needed to add a number of evenly spaced holes in between. If I were able to locate 2x points (ie 2 holes) as references and then use a division function to select the number of points or spaces between the points, that would be a super handy feature, especially if it displayed on the graphical screen as divisions are entered to visualise the spacings.
Instead I did it manually: found first & last point, manually calculated the spacings required the grid feature.

It would be nice if you can use a negative step over/step over in either direction rather than just in the positive X & Y directions (eg to allow stepovers either side of a centre point for example).

Thanks for the great product. It gives me jot everytime I use it.
Hi Seven,
Does this look close enough to what you are asking? (Ignore the graphic - need to create one for this dialog).

Dear Yuriy

Wow. That was quick!

That is basically exactly what I was thinking: essentially the same concept as the rotary division function, but rather than dividing 360 degrees by X divisions, it is doing exactly the same thing but along a line between two points (or between two guides in the graphical view).
Based on your example below, I assume it would divide evenly along the straight line between the 2 points, and can do so on a line that is not parallel to one axis eg any 2 points in the same plane, or potentially in 3D (X, Y & Z).

To my mind, the only “trick” /gotcha will be whether the operators intention is no of holes/positions in total vs the spaces between first & last points (eg there are 9 divisions between 10 points)

For example

Scenario 1. I need 10 equally spaced holes

Scenario 2. I use the first & last position to mill (or turn) a feature, and I then want 5 equal sizes features between (which requires 6 positions). An example might be turning cooling fins on an engine cylinder and a certain number of fins are required by plunging a parting cut either side of each fin, so you need 1 more “point” than fins.

Scenario 3 (which is the problem I was addressing), I had a strip of material that had 3 existing holes in it, all in a straight line. One at each end of the material, and one in the centre. I needed to tap these existing holes, and also drill & tap several more at even divisions, and once I had a row of evenly spaced tapped holes, I needed to cut it into individual pieces each with a single tapped hole. the overall length of each final pieces was not at all critical, I just needed them all evenly spaced, so that I ended up with a whole integer of parts (which turned out to be 13: original hole, 5 new holes, original centre hole, 5 new holes and the last original hole). Had I been able to use a linear division function, and view this in the graphical view, it would have made for a super quick & easy visualisation that I would "get what I need", and make for a very quick setup.

I hope that makes sense.
If you could locate the first point and set that, then locate the second and then set it, then divide, that would be even better. In other words, rather than "knowing" the point co-ordinates and needing to type them in.

To me this is a novel feature that could be another very useful advantage of TouchDRO over a commercial DRO.
It is this type of innovation that makes TouchDRO such a great tool. I have 3 of them, and love them.
I have recently upgraded to glass scales on one of them, and I am amazed at the difference it has made. Would love to do the same on the other 2 that I have, but unfortunately they cannot accept the glass scales :(

