TOOL BIT GRINDING by Tubal Cain (MrPete222)


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Great set of vids. He has a ton of others; every one I have seen has been great. If you have not subscribed to his channel you are missing out.
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I am going to have to watch these again. I've not ground enough bits to be worth a damn.
My current career is the same as Mr Pete before he retired,that is to say what you blokes call a shop teacher.

Unlike him however I come from a welding background and have only found machining in the last few years,after being asked to teach it to senior students

I have shown these videos to my students and they as well as myself have gained much from them.

I have found HSS tools are are a joy to sharpen and use once Tubal Cain has explained the theory and demonstrated and explained the techniques behind their use.

The immediacy of use created by being able to custom grind my HSS stock to whatever job I want to machine is a winner for me.

My mindset was that all commercial shops use carbide inserts exclusively. I found that is false after talking to some of the industry people as many smaller places still do plenty of one off type HSS work.

In addittion most of my kids can hand grind their own twist drills as well,they don't need a Drill Doctor.

Good on Ya Tubal Cain.
That's great to hear Oz. These are quickly becoming "lost arts" and it's good to see someone passing them along at the high school level. The skills you are teaching are the ones that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Fantastic thread - I have a Grizzly mini lathe (that arrived damaged...grr) that I will be working on. I purchased some carbide tooling with pre-cut ends, but my local machine co-worker recommend HSS blanks and grind your own much like this video. I am looking at blanks and they are available in M-2 HSS, M-42 Cobalt HSS, PM T-15 HSS, and PM M-48 HSS. I will be cutting aluminum and stainless, mostly probably in equal amounts. What material should I get?

I gave up on those standard grinds since they wasted so much material and my yearly budget would not survive it. I resorted to grind the bit so that the top left corner is maintained and the side rake runs down and across. It is sorta like a left hand tool with the top rake in the opposite direction. When it goes dull one simply grinds the front and rounds the corner. five to ten grinds can be done before one has used up 1/4 inch of length.